Hospitality Mongolia
Hospitality is so important and so real in the countryside of the nomad family that has evolved from experience over centuries. Mongolians are very warm and friendly and soon make you feel one of the family.
Traditionally, complete strangers could enter a ger without knocking. It’s in the culture to know how to receive guests. Because of 4 seasons of Mongolia, and because of pasturing the herd, herders move one place to another. Herdsmen shared their food and drink freely and usually provided travellers with a small bundle of provisions for the onward journey.
At their home, they will always have some tsai (traditional salty milk tea or black tea) and which is offered first to a guest in respect and some food (usually traditional biscuits), some small bread pieces, dairy products ready to be offered to the possible unscheduled guests.
When a herder sees that some other herder’s family is moving around, they go to them and ask how are you while offering some food and tsai just to support them while going on a long trip

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