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Danshig Religious Festival

Danshig Naadam & Tsam Dance Festival is held annually dedicated to the anniversary of Holy Zanabazar – Mongolia’s first Buddhist leader starting from 6-7 August near Ulaanbaatar. The Gandan Monastery is organizing the Khuree Tsam (religious ceremony with masked dancing) and chanting during the big event. Officials claim that it will be a revival of the Danshig, and even wrestlers, archers and horse trainers are given by Danshig titles (according to their achievements).

If you are planning to travel Mongolia in August for the upcoming years, please do not forget to eyewitness this religious festival and add to your travel list. Hope you have a great time with our photos and event news about Danshig Festival.

The Tsam is one of the five minor subjects of Buddhism –Choreography. The first tsam performance in Mongolia was performed in Erdene-Zuu monastery in 1786. The Tsam dance which is the perfect combination of song, dance, music, decorative art, and folk arts hold various types of ritual subjects and wearing mask indicating their respective roles and perform various motions of hands, legs, and body. 



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