Southern Mongolia
Southern Mongolia is undoubtedly dominated by the Great Gobi Desert, covering roughly 30% of the entire Mongolian territory.
Southern Mongolia is undoubtedly dominated by the Great Gobi Desert, covering roughly 30% of the entire Mongolian territory.
Northern Mongolia tours boast a rich, typical Siberian Taiga landscape. Vast pine forests covering the rugged terrain consist of rolling hills, big rivers and swampy marshlands.
Central Mongolia, commonly referred to as the Khangai Region, is an apt description for this part of the country.
Eastern Mongolia can be distinctly divided into two regions. In the north, rich Taiga landscape of pine forests, rugged mountainous region and mighty rivers.
Dominated by the Altai Mountain range, Mongolia’s highest range rising 4,374 meters (14,350 feet) above sea level, Western Mongolia is a land of sheer beauty.
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